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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Excellent humanity grinding area - Tomb of the Giants

On my way to fighting Gravelord Nito last night I discovered an excellent area for grinding humanity. You may have noticed it if you passed, however for those who haven't visited the area yet it could be a useful place to grind.

[possible spoilers]

Firstly you will need the lordvessel to open the orange covered door past the giant skeletons crypts. This area is a bit of an ass to get to as the giant skeletons are pretty tough so try using pyromancy. Otherwise learn the 'cast light' sorcery and use this in combination with some protective armour and powerful weaponry. Make sure you rest at the bonfire prior to entering through where the orange door was before - you can come back here later to spend your earned souls and humanity.

Progress through the previously sealed door defeating the giant skeletons on the way. You'll reach the area just before traversing the white light to fight the Gravelord. In this area are about 4 or 5 black magicians (they look similar to the Pinwheel boss) casting powerful spells at you and a pool of shallow water beneath. Kill the black magicians first then go down into the water. Baby skeletons will start jumping up out of the water and attacking you. Make sure you have some spare blooming purple blossom in case they poison you but try to avoid their attacks if possible.

I used a divine club to kill them as the skeletons appear to be more susceptible to divine weaponry, this should kill them in one hit although they're pretty weak anyway. Keep killing them and earning souls, and returning to the water's edge to spawn more. You can usually kill about 4 or 5 with each stroke earning about 200-300 (may be more in NG+ etc.) souls and occasionally humanity. I believe the humanity drop rate was greatly increased with an earlier update, so you should get at least one humanity per wave of skeletons. I noticed that sometimes after killing the skeletons, their corpses seem to shine white briefly but when I tried to loot them there was nothing there. This may have been because the corpses were disappearing as more enemies spawned, so be sure to loot anything you see quickly.

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